Whenever given the chance I like to start a blog series off with useful resources.  If you are like me then when you start down a new learning path you can feel disorganized while attempting to put together useful information, links, and videos.  I hope the below helps everyone with some organization around useful sources of information.  I know I wish I had this information two (2) weeks ago.

Feel free to check in on this series:

Microsoft Software Defined Networking (SDN) in Azure Stack HCI and Windows Server Documentation:

Microsoft Learn Trainings:

Tech Community:

YouTube Videos:

NSG Configuration Deep Dive:
Microsoft Azure Network Security Groups Configuration Deep Dive

Azure Stack Stretch Cluster Series:

The Hybrid Friends:

Azure Code Samples:

Azure SDK’s for PowerShell and CLI

Official Github Repository for PowerShell Scripts

Azure REST API Browser


Obviously, the above is not everything you need but I do wish I had these links in the beginning of my journey.  As I write articles in the coming weeks I will be sure to post links to documentations as I lab everything out.  Once again, I hope everyone found this useful.

*The thoughts and opinions in this article are mine and hold no reflect on my employer*

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