Today’s discussion dives deep into the latest viral gaffe by President Biden and explores the broader implications for leadership, cognitive decline, and the political system at large. Join Tom and his Producer Drew as they dissect the challenges of having a leader in cognitive decline and the impact on national and international stages. They also delve into the nature of political systems, the machine behind career politicians, and the desperate need for honorable and competent candidates. This episode offers a candid and unfiltered look at the urgent need for visionary leadership in America.

Biden gaffe, Joe Biden, President of Ukraine, President Putin, cognitive decline, minimum age for president, wisdom, American system, Cuban missile crisis, nuclear war, deep state, managerial class, Clinton, Bush, candidate selection, RFK, democratic national convention, political system, UFC analogy, presidential debate, political leadership, democracy, American spirit, political machinery, career politicians, influential media, conspiracy, political narratives, American resilience, Cuban missile crisis, civil war.

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