If you’re working with VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) 5.x and encounter the error message, “AP tool is unable to determine the SDDC-M in progress day-n workflows,” while running the Async Patch Tool, you’re not alone. This error typically points to some inconsistencies in the SDDC Manager database.
[ERROR] Exception thrown when getting domainmanager workflows
[ERROR] AP tool is unable to determine the SDDC-M in progress day-n workflows.
AP tool is unable to determine if the SDDC-M has any in-progress day-n workflows. SDDC-M service updates are disruptive.
The Async Patch Tool in VCF is designed to streamline patching operations across your SDDC environment. However, the error message indicates that the tool is having difficulty identifying ongoing workflows/executions due to inconsistencies, often involving workflows that have incorrect names in the SDDC Manager database.
The issue generally arises because of ‘null‘ values assigned to workflow names within the SDDC Manager’s database – ‘executions’ table in ‘operationsmanager’ schema. These ‘null‘ values disrupt the tool’s ability to track and manage the progress of patching workflows, leading to the mentioned error.
To resolve this issue, you need to update any workflows with ‘null‘ names.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to applying the necessary updates:
- Take a snapshot of SDDC Manager vm;
- SSH to SDDC Manager as vcf user. Enter su to switch to the root user.
- Connect to the SDDC Manager database (operationsmanager schema): psql -h localhost -U postgres -d operationsmanager
psql -h localhost -U postgres -d operationsmanager
4. Execute a query to find all workflows where the name is ‘null‘:
select * from execution where name is null;

5. Once you have identified the workflows with ‘null‘ names, you can update them:
update execution set name = '' where name is null;
6. Rerun the Async Patch Tool. With the database now clean of null names, rerun the Async Patch Tool. It should now be able to determine the in-progress workflows without encountering errors.